If you have visited Keystone Point since last summer, you may have noticed some new power poles and power lines in the area. Here's a report from Dick Fisher (Cabin 85), written in November 2017, which provides details about what is happening:
Power Pole Replacement and Relocation of Power Lines
Forest Service and Bear Valley Electric
With no notice of any kind to cabin owners, the Forest Service and Bear Valley Electric System began construction several weeks ago on the first phase of a multi-year project to install new wood power poles on the SW Shore, and to move all power lines off of trees and onto the new poles. The project is likely eventually to result in all telephone lines also being removed from trees and routed onto the new wood poles, in addition to the electric lines.
This initial phase of this BVES project is limited to a 12-cabin service area located just south and above Keystone Point Road. It involves re-routing the main line downhill from highway 18 so that it runs between cabins 27 & 39, down to a point around the midpoint of Keystone Point Road. From there the line runs downhill along the northern edge of the road, down to the Keystone Point turnaround near the existing pole there, from which it is routed in a southerly direction up the slope.
The service connections to the three cabins along lower Keystone Rd (Nos. 16, 17, and 18) will be fed from behind the cabins rather than from the main line along Keystone Road. Other cabins involved at this time are Nos. 14 through 22, 25, 26 and maybe 73. BVES has located the new poles as close as possible to roads and driveways to accommodate service/repair access.
Dick Fisher and Steve Harbison, along with Bob Hritz, immediately after hearing about the work in progress, met on the job site with BVES management, walked the affected area and reviewed the project. We pointed out some problem areas and requested that several of the new poles be re-located. We were able to persuade BVES to re-locate several poles that would have run lines directly in front of primary views from cabin porches, including the top new pole along Keystone Point Road. We were not able to get them to consider moving the new poles off of Keystone Point Road, but the three poles there are quitetall, so that the lines will run well above the direct views of the meadow and lake.
BVES and the Forest Service have assured us in writing that for future phases they will consult with us during the planning phase, before finalizing plans.
Most of the existing poles are at (or beyond) the end of their useful lives, rotted in the ground, and the attachments to trees are less reliable than to poles, so this project will provide more safety and protection against fire or electrical safety hazards caused by fallen power lines. But the project will no doubt continue to present challenges in terms of interference with views. Our goal will continue to be to push for pole and line placements that minimize any damage to the views of the neighborhood or from individual cabins.
(Note: Follow this link to a map of the area showing roads and cabin numbers.)
New power poles on Keystone Road (photo by Ed Leonhardt from deck of Cabin 39)