Can summer be far behind? (Photo by Bob TeSelle)
Big Bear Municipal Water District
Lake Use Permits and Fees - Non-Registered Vessels (e.g., kayaks, canoes, paddleboards)
In 2015 there was much confusion and frustration about how to get Lake Permits for Non-Registered (i.e., non-CF) water craft, such as kayaks, canoes, stand-up paddle boards, etc., because of the quagga mussel inspection requirements imposed by BBMWD. Since 2016, BBMWD has largely followed the procedures proposed at the end of 2015 by SWS owner John Lengsfelder (Cabin 51). Here are the procedures currently in place.
BBMWD will allow Forest Service Cabin Owners to purchase the annual Lake Permits for their Non-Registered watercraft without an inspection provided that owners use the following procedures:
Go to the Lake Use Permit Fees page on the BBMWD website, scroll down, and find the Permit Fee amount for Non-Registered Vessels. Download/print the Lake Permit Request Form*, and manually modify the form to reflect the proper fee amount that applies to your watercraft.
Complete the Permit Fee Form, as follows:
- Enter your name and the address where you want the Permit(s) mailed;
- For “Vessel Information,” enter the description of each of your watercraft, and enter “NA” for the State Registration #(CF);
- Calculate the Total Fee amount for all your “vessels.”Prepare a check payable to BBMWD for the total amount due, OR enter the information for credit card processing.
Prepare a separate document with your name, mailing address, cabin address, and you written testimony that your watercraft have not left the Big Bear area since their last Lake Permit was issued.
Make a copy of the first page of your Forest Service Special Use Permit, showing that you are the owner of the Special Use Permit for your cabin.
Owners need to submit the required documentation and permit fees either in person or by mail to the BBMWD office at 40524 Lakeview Drive, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315. For additional information, call 909-866-5796 or visit their website. If you visit the BBMWD office in person, be aware that some desk personnel may be unaware of these special Lake Permit procedures for USFS cabin owners, which have been in place since 2016, so you may need to explain the situation.
The above procedures are only relevant to cabins that do NOT have docks rights. If a cabin owner has a dock and a registered boat, then BBMWD will issue Lake Permits for Non-Registered watercraft along with the normal mail-in procedure for Registered vessels.
*Note: The Lake Permit Request Form is designed for Registered Vessels. There is no comparable form for Non-Registered Vessels, because this mail-in procedure is not available to the general public. Most watercraft owners are required to have an annual physical inspection before BBMWD will issue a permit and allow the watercraft enter the lake.