The Association will again sponsor the chipping of any piles of cut brush, pruning debris, or culled small trees. Pile the brush and debris near an easily accessible road no later than September 14, 2020. Notify Dennis Moran ( of the pile location.
Read More2020 Southwest Shore T-Shirts -- Order by June 12!
The Hammer Family has once again created a unique Southwest Shore T-Shirt for 2020. Orders must be received by Michael Hammer on or before June 12. Don't procrastinate -- Order Now
Read MoreL.A. Times, June 14, 2019
Overgrown Mountain Communities -- High Fire Risk
Recent L.A. Times article emphasizes that mountain communities like Big Bear are at extreme fire risk.
Read MoreLooking west toward Keystone Road Turnaround
(Source: Ken Masters)
Keystone Point Road Turnaround Repair
The extensive erosion damage at the Keystone Point Road Turnaround was repaired recently. Thanks, Mark Bulot and Ken Masters for taking charge of this critical project.
Read MoreAnnual Brush Clearance Project
Each summer our Association sponsors an annual Brush Clearance Project to gather and remove brush, shrubbery, tree limbs, slash, and other forest debris that constitute a fire hazard. Please pile those items in an easily accessible location on the uphill side of one of the tract access roads. When locating the piles, please do not to block parking areas or access roads. Our forestry contractor will either haul away the piles, or else chip and spread the material as ground cover, away from immediate cabin areas.
The chipping and/or hauling will occur sometime after Labor Day, so now is the time to start clearing your cabin area and creating your debris pile. We will advise everyone of the exact date and other details of the pickup as soon as the project is finalized.
The chipper can handle branches and small tree trunks up to 9” in diameter, so feel free to eliminate small white fir trees or other small trees that are growing beneath the overhead canopy of any larger tree, or that are crowding other more desirable trees. We encourage you to implement these forest maintenance practices not only in your immediate cabin area, but also in common areas nearby. Remember, however, that you must get prior Forest Service approval to cut trees with a trunk diameter of 9” or larger (at chest height).
Finally, we again reiterate that this project does not include the removal of pine needles or unwanted cabin junk, so please do not include those items in the brush and debris piles.
Thanks, in advance, to all cabin owners, families, and friends for doing their part to clear brush and debris from their cabin areas to help keep our local forest healthy and safe.
Dead brush, downed limbs, over-grown bushes -- all must be removed for a healthy forest!
2016 Brush Clearance Project
During the summer our Association once again sponsored the annual Brush Clearance Project to gather and remove brush, shrubbery, tree limbs, slash, and other forest debris that constitute a fire hazard. The project was completed and the brush piles hauled away in October 2016 after many of you had already closed your cabins for the season. Dennis Moran (Cabin 84) and Rick Krugh (Cabin 38) organized the project, and through their efforts we were able to take advantage of a USFS grant that provides funds for projects to maintain healthy forests and reduce fire fuels. The Brush Clearance Project was completed at no cost to our Southwest Shore Association or its members. Thanks, Dennis and Rick, for your excellent work on behalf of all the Southwest Shore families and friends. Thanks, also, to all the cabin owners, families and friends who did their part to clear brush and debris from their cabin areas to help keep our local forest healthy and safe.
2016 Summer Celebration
Come celebrate summer with us again on the Southwest Shore. Remember how much fun we all had at the Centennial Celebration in 2012? Many of us suggested that we get together more often as a group, so we are partying again this year on July 30. Don't miss it!
For planning purposes we need a preliminary indication of how many people are coming. By June 15 (next week) please send us your Preliminary RSVP information: Cabin Number, Family Name, No. of Adults, and No. of Kids. If your plans later change, please let us know ASAP so we can update our counts for food, tables, etc. We really need your help by sending your RSVP promptly. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
As indicated on the invitation, the cost is free for the first 5 people from each cabin. For additional adults, the cost is $20 per person. Extra kids are free! The Summer Celebration food, drinks, and other expense is being funded by annual owner dues collected over the past several years. If you have not paid dues on a regular basis over the years, or if you are bringing extra people, please make a contribution to the "Tips and Contributions" jar on the day of the event. We are counting on everyone to help share the cost of the party equitably. Please do what is right and fair for your fellow cabin owners.
Laurie Large and Betsy Curley are once again organizing the party. They did a wonderful job on the Centennial Celebration, and we're grateful that they volunteered to do it again. If you would like to help Betsy and Laurie with this summer's celebration, please email them: Betsy ( or Laurie (